Lolita Blog Carnival

Lolita Blog Carnival: What Types Of Topics Would You Like Covered In A Lolita Panel

Anime conventions are a common way for fans of Japanese pop-culture to come together and share their interests. Because of its Japanese roots, lolita fashion enthusiasts also attend these occasions. One of the events held in these cons are panels for topics which attract newcomers and veterans alike. In this article, we’ll focus on some of my theme and topic suggestions for a lolita-focused panel.

Before I began writing, I did research on some of the most commonly recommended subjects. I found that people usually suggest an introductory panel, a history of the fashion, and the dos and don’ts  of building a coordinate. These topics are all good bases for panels targeted towards non-wearers or newbies. A good addition would be a demo of building a coord. This way, the thought process behind the wardrobe choices would be better explained.

Another beginner-friendly topic is a meet-up manners panel. Attending my first meet was a big source of anxiety because I didn’t know what to expect and what was expected of me. In addition to this, a lolita mythbusters panel would also be a good way to show what the community is actually like to anyone interested.

For a panel geared towards active lolitas, a quiz game theme would be suitable. This can be done by splitting people into groups or letting them compete individually. Name that print or similar games work well for groups to make it faster and easier for attendees to give answers. Another popular game is lolita bingo which can be played simultaneously by everyone.

Cons can be quite boring on slow days, so panels that are more casual and interactive can really help lift the mood. But slow days usually don’t have a lot of attendees present. If you’re unsure of how big of an audience you’ll get, lolita fashion trivia is a good game. This can be played by everyone in attendance in groups or one-on-one.

Hosting a fashion show is also a fun idea. To make it more informative, add an explanation of the coord’s substyle, theme, and components. The beauty of doing a fashion show is its versatility. You can put on a show composed simply of the more popular substyles or show how adaptable lolita fashion can be in taking inspiration from other fashions.

A panel I would love to attend is one explaining fabric types and quality because I have little knowledge of the topic. I think this would be really good information to have for future purchases. More knowledge will help in choosing clothes appropriate for your situation and avoiding overpriced items. It will also explain to skeptics why lolita fashion costs as much as it does.

In any panel, being prepared is the key to success. The following points are important to remember as well. Make your panel informative but not boring. Prepare cue cards to stay on track. Visual guides always make it easier to retain attention. And it’s always safe to set aside time to set up and take down any props you bring.



This is my first blog post joining the Lolita Blog Carnival (LBC). This is a fun group for lolita bloggers to get weekly writing prompts in collaboration with fellow content creators. I had a lot of fun with this week’s theme, and I’m looking forward to working on future topics!

If you want more lolita panel inspirations, please check out these other blogs!

Tomoyo’s Secret Garden | The Bloody Tea Party | Cupcakes and Unicorns

One thought on “Lolita Blog Carnival: What Types Of Topics Would You Like Covered In A Lolita Panel

  1. I’m soooo seconding the meetup manners ideas. I feel like it’s such common knowledge for experienced Lolitas but it may not for newcomers.

    I also love the ideas of a quiz panel or name that print panel, it’s always fun to make the audience participate in panels and I feel like it makes me appreciate panels more. ^^


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