lolita fashion · Travel Tips

A Lolita’s Guide to Eating at the Minnesota State Fair

The Minnesota State Fair, the biggest state fairs in the United States by daily attendance, is filled with amazing food options, but with limited tummy space, choosing items to eat can be pretty daunting. It’s even more intimidating for people who wear alternative fashion - most of which are expensive and hard to clean. To… Continue reading A Lolita’s Guide to Eating at the Minnesota State Fair

Lolita Blog Carnival · lolita fashion

LBC: Make a Capsule From Your Own Wardrobe

This week’s Lolita Blog Carnival topic is something I’ve always adored seeing other people do. Capsule wardrobes seem so practical and impressive, but I’ve always been indecisive about choosing color palettes and sticking to them. After taking a long look at my closet, however, I saw a way I could make it work with my… Continue reading LBC: Make a Capsule From Your Own Wardrobe

Lolita Blog Carnival · lolita fashion · Uncategorized

LBC: Create a Coord To Best Fit the Season

My lolita style is best described as comfortable. As much as I love OTT coords with elaborate styling, I have very little tolerance for inconvenience. During busy trips, comfort and enjoyment take priority. The season and weather are huge factors in how I coordinate, traits which came in handy for this week’s Lolita Blog Carnival… Continue reading LBC: Create a Coord To Best Fit the Season

Lolita Blog Carnival · lolita fashion

LBC: Create a Coord Based on a Fairy Tale

This week’s Lolita Blog Carnival topic was something of a challenge for me. While I love fairy tales, my wardrobe doesn’t really reflect it. Most of my main pieces are either suited for casual wear, or for glamorous gothic coords. I kept searching and thinking about which story I can use for this article and… Continue reading LBC: Create a Coord Based on a Fairy Tale

lolita fashion · Travel Tips

A Lolita’s Guide To Eating In Minneapolis

Food, clothing, and kawaii - these are the things that make me happy. While there is no shortage of good food in Minneapolis, I find they often lack the kawaii factor. Putting aside my personal dismay, this proves to be a problem when I look for venues to meet with my fellow lolitas. This got… Continue reading A Lolita’s Guide To Eating In Minneapolis

Lolita Blog Carnival · lolita fashion

LBC: The Importance of Lolita Fashion Publications and Its Impact

Lolita fashion is highly driven by visual stimuli - the silhouettes, colors, textiles, and patterns are arguably the most important part of the fashion. Most veteran members of this community discovered the lolita through magazines and mooks. Street snaps, tutorials, and new releases were published first in Japanese street fashion magazines. Through these, the aesthetics… Continue reading LBC: The Importance of Lolita Fashion Publications and Its Impact


One Dress, Five Ways: Angelic Pretty Princess Cat Peplum JSK

Lolita fashion is infamous for having highly expensive clothing. Most brands usually release a set of accessories like legwear and headpieces for their prints. For those of us who want to maximise the wearability of these main pieces, having various ways to coordinate these dresses and skirts helps considerably. I personally have trouble mix and… Continue reading One Dress, Five Ways: Angelic Pretty Princess Cat Peplum JSK